Wednesday, November 29, 2023


Wright Vineyard #6

Whitton & Eve

Eve and Whitt met at Jordan’s and Annie’s wedding and instant lust happened.  It all crashed and burned when Whitt wanted more and Eve only wanted a hookup.  And yet, the attraction still goes strong when they meet months later for a Wright project in Midland, Eve’s hometown.

Eve and Whitt are opposites, she’s a little bit of chaos, Whitt is all control and planned purpose.  Whitt has a five-year plan going on, while Eve is about a foot away from poverty.  Her center is her sister Bailey and most of her money goes to ensure she has a home and food.  Due to Eve’s bad choices in the past, she never expected to be near the Wrights, who are royalty in Lubbock and yet, she found acceptance with them and their friends and family.  She’s usually closed off in self-defense, and in this story we see how she opens up to girlfriends and love.

In a different direction from her usual style, K.A. Linde went the hot steamy way in this book. As in, there are sexy times way more frequently than previous books.  Many readers will be happy with this change, not me.  I feel that a lot of sex scenes take away from the plot and shortchange the reader from character development.  However, in this author’s brilliant hands, the character development and the plot didn’t suffer as much.  I just didn’t get all I wanted from their story and had lots of sexy times to skim over.  Steamy scenes are important to set the romance and the heat between the couple, but too many are just road blocks in the way of a wonderful story, and this was the case for me.  This author is brilliant and doesn’t need to include so much steam for her books to be riveting!

I loved both characters, although I didn’t love Eve in the beginning.  She felt like a hot mess, feisty and tough.  Then as you read, you see that’s just a façade she presents as a defense against a toxic past, being pointed out and bullied just because she came from a trailer park.  Once she opens up, she’s kind, intelligent and generous.  Whitt shines through the story with his passion for control, his love for his family, and his love for Eve.  There are other family dramas that add spice to the story and continue with the Wright family saga.  I especially loved Whitt’s interactions with bratty Colton.  He starts out as a sulking teenager but you get to see the sweetheart beneath.  I loved the soccer games with Colton! He rules!

Highly entertaining, with touches of suspense, way too many sexy times, lovely family drama that I loved, and a beautiful love story about a woman who needed strength from her partner, a man who needed a woman to melt his controlling ways, and a wonderful story.

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About the author 

K.A. Linde is the USA Today bestselling author of both romance and fantasy novels. She has a Masters degree in political science from the University of Georgia, was a head campaign worker for the 2012 presidential campaign at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and served as the head coach of the Duke University dance team. She loves reading fantasy novels, traveling to far-off destinations, and dancing in her spare time.

She currently lives in Lubbock, Texas, with her husband, son, and super-adorable puppy.


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Friday, November 24, 2023

DEAR CHRISTMAS, by Sarah Ready

Lee and Cordelia start sending each other Christmas cards with a letter inside for ten years.  It all started when they were fourteen years old, Lee was offered ten dollars if he sent the letter, and Cordelia was about to have a heart operation.  It was uncertain she would make it.  This exchange started their annual Christmas exchange and we get to read their letters as they form this strong bond of friendship, then love.  

In a way, both were lonely, even while surrounded by people.  Their connection gave them that companionship that Cordelia’s invasion of relatives during Christmas at her house, and Lee’s two friends in whose house he lived in Alaska, didn’t fulfill.  

I felt all the longing and yearning for someone close as they share their life and their feelings.  I was humbled by the level of caring they had for each other.  My throat had a knot most of the time because I felt they were soulmates and yet, they were so far away from each other.  It was a torturous road and I felt every tear, every disappointment.  This story kept me glued to the pages and even a little desperate to learn what happens next.  Only this author has the capacity to make me cry so much as I read a book, she really twisted my heart.

And through it all, there’s the hope and the positivity, as Lee and Cordelia face life and all of its attributes.  They so much deserved to have a happily ever after! Beautiful story!

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About the author

Author Sarah Ready writes contemporary romance and romantic comedy. Her books have been described as “euphoric”, “heartwarming” and “laugh out loud”. Her debut novel The Fall in Love Checklist was hailed as “the unicorn read of 2020”. She loves to write fast-paced, emotionally compelling romances about quirky, smart women and the men who love them.


Before writing romance full-time Sarah had lots of fun teaching at an Ivy League. Then she realized she could have even more fun writing romance. Her favorite things after writing are adventuring and travel. You’ll frequently find her using her degree at a dino dig site, crawling into a cave, snorkeling, or on horseback riding through the jungle – all fodder for her next book. She’s lived in Scotland, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland and NYC. She currently lives in the Caribbean with her water-obsessed pup and her awesome family.

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SIMON SAYS, by S.T. Moors

After reading Barron’s Second Chance, I was intrigued to read this one, which is almost like a sequel.  Simon is Barron’s cousin, and played a role in Barron’s cheating.  Seven years later, even though Barron and Eden are engaged and about to be married, he still feels guilt.  

“Still, seeing Eden again today after so many years brought back that summer long ago - when I actively encouraged my cousin to step out on her. I had seen the fallout and devastation on my cousin's face when his girlfriend caught him. That was one of the rare times I remembered feeling ashamed of my behavior, even though it wasn't entirely my fault.”

He’s been attracted to Sofia, Eden’s best friend, since the barbecue party where Eden and Barron reconnected after seven years apart. And yet, he’s been sleeping with Maria, just because she lives in the same building and floor as Sofia, just for the frequent encounters.

All of the above tells us that Simon is a jerk. Then one day, a series of events have Simon in Sofia’s car, being rescued and on the way to Barron’s apartment. He has been so annoying that Sofia blew up and gave him the epic words that made him assess his ways:

"I don't like you, Simon. You're rude, entitled, selfish, and arrogant. Now get out of my car!"

With all that happened during the day, Sofia telling him off, and Barron’s cold reception, Simon had an awakening of conscience and decided to mend his ways. And then we’re treated to a cute, sometimes funny, sometimes frustrating and very steamy story of a guy making amends for being a douche and trying to win his cousin back and woo the woman he wanted. It was a total redemption story and I loved it!

It was entertaining because, although Simon mended his ways, he never stopped being a snobby dresser.

“Sure, he was arrogant, he still put his foot in his mouth about specific topics, and he cared way too much about wearing labeled clothing. But he was also incredibly smart, a hard worker who cared deeply about his clients, and a generous, friendly neighbor.”

Totally recommend!

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About the author


Wife. Mom. Bibliophile.

I love reading and writing romance. My books are a mixed bag - angst, insta-love, paranormal, contemporary, full length, novella...and everything in between. But always with a HEA. 

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Wednesday, November 22, 2023


The cheating trope is my guilty pleasure and this book was done just right! I hurt when Barron cheated on Eden and rejoiced when she blocked him out off all her accounts. When she got a fantastic opportunity to model, in New York, no less, it was like a very well-deserved slap to Barron and the skanky girl he cheated with.

Both Eden and Barron were seventeen and about to start their Senior year in high school. They had been together since they were fourteen, their mothers were best friends. Peer pressure and his cousin Simon’s ill-fated counseling caused Barron to cheat. It was very humiliating for Eden in school!  She was a beautiful, very tall girl, radiating goodness from within. Even Barron was clear he made a huge mistake, but as is often the case in life, Eden found her destiny in the middle of her devastation. 

Fast forward seven years, another summer, and Barron was about to be schooled!

I loved how the author developed the action, loved that she wrote Eden as a wonderful young woman with strong temper and a healthy dose of confidence. She’s a successful super model, and Barron is also successful with restaurant he opened in their home town.  There’s such a thing as soulmates but there’s a lot of work to be done in repairing trust and achieving forgiveness. Both Barron and Eden are wonderful characters and it’s a joy to read about the reconnections among the families, the friends. Barron actually had to woo, not only Eden, but also Ryan and Sofia, Eden besties who were also his until the rift. They chose sides and Barron had to do a lot of groveling.  

My little heart was rejoicing as Eden took Barron through his paces, but also felt for Barron’s uncertainty and despair. You could say “serves him right” but his actions came from immaturity. He needed to learn his lesson and he needed to redeem himself. Well done by the author, she treated them with dignity and kindness.

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About the author 

Wife. Mom. Bibliophile.

I love reading and writing romance. My books are a mixed bag - angst, insta-love, paranormal, contemporary, full length, novella...and everything in between. But always with a HEA. 

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Saturday, November 18, 2023

AFTER THE STORM, by Laura Pavlov

Covington Cove #5

Cage & Presley


From the first book in this series, I was intrigued by Cage Reynolds. He might be the grump among the siblings, but I knew he had to be a great person because how else could he have raised such a happy and sweet daughter like Gracie? Plus, he participates in the siblings group chat, lets his brothers razz him and is always there with a helping hand (and snarky comment!). 

When Presley comes back home to take care of her father who had a stroke, I realized this would be a second chance romance. Grumpy with second chance sounds like a divine combination, and it was exactly that!

Presley and Cage were college sweethearts who broke up explosively and were apart for five years. During that time, Cage got a one-nightstand pregnant, kept the baby and raised her alone. Presley went on to marry a man she didn’t love and is at the moment going through a very public and scandalous divorce. 

Once they are both in the same town, the connection was inevitable because they were soulmates. I loved how much Presley loved Gracie from the moment they met, and how happy she made this little girl. Cage was apprehensive, Presley was cautious, and Gracie was all love.

It was a beautiful story, loved the siblings group chat, love the family love and support. Surprisingly, Presley is great friends with Mrs. Runither, good times!

It was everything I expected and more!

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Will be available in both paperback & hardcover!   

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About the author 

Laura Pavlov writes sweet and sexy contemporary romance that will make you both laugh and cry. She is happily married to her college sweetheart, mom to two awesome almost-grown kids, and dog-whisperer to one temperamental yorkie and one wild bernedoodle. Laura resides in Las Vegas where she is living her own happily ever after. Be sure to sign up for updates on new releases. Laura loves to hear from readers!


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MAESTRO, by Auden Dar


 I’ve been wanting to read this book for months after reading so many raving reviews about it. And finally I get my chance and oh my, my heart is broken and I’ve cried so much. It’s brilliant writing and it’s been unrelenting angst, surrounded with an epic love that surpasses romance and goes into a saga of a love story

There’s a beautiful musicality underneath the plot, everything is tinted in terms of different kinds, pop, rock, and classical. I loved how their lives are nuanced according to different musical pieces. 

Aurelia and Chadwick met when they were thirteen years old and were auditioning for admission into the LaGuardia School of Arts. They’re both virtuosos, he in violin, she cello. Since that moment, friendship and then love develops that lasts for over two decade, with multiple betrayals from those around them. I actually at some point felt I couldn’t take it anymore, I was hurting so much for Chad and Aurelia.

There are many layers of story here, friendships and relatives, with different levels of loyalty and caring. The most steadfast is Aurelia’s mom who always believes in her daughter and fights for her happiness all the time. Renna and Oliver, Chad’s parents, always love and dote on Aurelia. Aurelia’s relation with her dad is complicated, more so with her dad’s wife, but ulteriorly, when she needed them, her dysfunctional family proved that love is love.

I was always desperate to know what would happen next, I wanted surcease from this angst, I was ready for my happily ever after! This author broke my heart many times, but put it together again, and left me with a hangover. I can’t stop thinking about this book, I’ve had to re-read some parts. I loved Chad’s endless devotion and commitment to the love he felt for Aurelia.  I hurt every time he broke Aurelia’s heart but also realized he broke his own heart too. And I hurt hard for Aurelia’s heart and how she never had complete happiness unless she was with Chad. The trope of soulmates got its best representation in this magnificent love story!

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About the author 

A former A&R (artists and repertoire) music executive, Auden aspires to create the perfectly imperfect book boyfriend. Besides her family and contemporary romance, Auden's other passions include music, foreign films, stalking bulldogs, and learning how to cook like Nigella Lawson.

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Book review: FORMULA CHANCE, by Sawyer Bennett

Race Fever #2 Nash & Bexley ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Such a pleasure and comfort to read a book by Sawyer Bennett!  I’m loving this racing series, le...