Friday, November 24, 2023

SIMON SAYS, by S.T. Moors

After reading Barron’s Second Chance, I was intrigued to read this one, which is almost like a sequel.  Simon is Barron’s cousin, and played a role in Barron’s cheating.  Seven years later, even though Barron and Eden are engaged and about to be married, he still feels guilt.  

“Still, seeing Eden again today after so many years brought back that summer long ago - when I actively encouraged my cousin to step out on her. I had seen the fallout and devastation on my cousin's face when his girlfriend caught him. That was one of the rare times I remembered feeling ashamed of my behavior, even though it wasn't entirely my fault.”

He’s been attracted to Sofia, Eden’s best friend, since the barbecue party where Eden and Barron reconnected after seven years apart. And yet, he’s been sleeping with Maria, just because she lives in the same building and floor as Sofia, just for the frequent encounters.

All of the above tells us that Simon is a jerk. Then one day, a series of events have Simon in Sofia’s car, being rescued and on the way to Barron’s apartment. He has been so annoying that Sofia blew up and gave him the epic words that made him assess his ways:

"I don't like you, Simon. You're rude, entitled, selfish, and arrogant. Now get out of my car!"

With all that happened during the day, Sofia telling him off, and Barron’s cold reception, Simon had an awakening of conscience and decided to mend his ways. And then we’re treated to a cute, sometimes funny, sometimes frustrating and very steamy story of a guy making amends for being a douche and trying to win his cousin back and woo the woman he wanted. It was a total redemption story and I loved it!

It was entertaining because, although Simon mended his ways, he never stopped being a snobby dresser.

“Sure, he was arrogant, he still put his foot in his mouth about specific topics, and he cared way too much about wearing labeled clothing. But he was also incredibly smart, a hard worker who cared deeply about his clients, and a generous, friendly neighbor.”

Totally recommend!

Purchase link

About the author


Wife. Mom. Bibliophile.

I love reading and writing romance. My books are a mixed bag - angst, insta-love, paranormal, contemporary, full length, novella...and everything in between. But always with a HEA. 

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