Wednesday, November 29, 2023


Wright Vineyard #6

Whitton & Eve

Eve and Whitt met at Jordan’s and Annie’s wedding and instant lust happened.  It all crashed and burned when Whitt wanted more and Eve only wanted a hookup.  And yet, the attraction still goes strong when they meet months later for a Wright project in Midland, Eve’s hometown.

Eve and Whitt are opposites, she’s a little bit of chaos, Whitt is all control and planned purpose.  Whitt has a five-year plan going on, while Eve is about a foot away from poverty.  Her center is her sister Bailey and most of her money goes to ensure she has a home and food.  Due to Eve’s bad choices in the past, she never expected to be near the Wrights, who are royalty in Lubbock and yet, she found acceptance with them and their friends and family.  She’s usually closed off in self-defense, and in this story we see how she opens up to girlfriends and love.

In a different direction from her usual style, K.A. Linde went the hot steamy way in this book. As in, there are sexy times way more frequently than previous books.  Many readers will be happy with this change, not me.  I feel that a lot of sex scenes take away from the plot and shortchange the reader from character development.  However, in this author’s brilliant hands, the character development and the plot didn’t suffer as much.  I just didn’t get all I wanted from their story and had lots of sexy times to skim over.  Steamy scenes are important to set the romance and the heat between the couple, but too many are just road blocks in the way of a wonderful story, and this was the case for me.  This author is brilliant and doesn’t need to include so much steam for her books to be riveting!

I loved both characters, although I didn’t love Eve in the beginning.  She felt like a hot mess, feisty and tough.  Then as you read, you see that’s just a façade she presents as a defense against a toxic past, being pointed out and bullied just because she came from a trailer park.  Once she opens up, she’s kind, intelligent and generous.  Whitt shines through the story with his passion for control, his love for his family, and his love for Eve.  There are other family dramas that add spice to the story and continue with the Wright family saga.  I especially loved Whitt’s interactions with bratty Colton.  He starts out as a sulking teenager but you get to see the sweetheart beneath.  I loved the soccer games with Colton! He rules!

Highly entertaining, with touches of suspense, way too many sexy times, lovely family drama that I loved, and a beautiful love story about a woman who needed strength from her partner, a man who needed a woman to melt his controlling ways, and a wonderful story.

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About the author 

K.A. Linde is the USA Today bestselling author of both romance and fantasy novels. She has a Masters degree in political science from the University of Georgia, was a head campaign worker for the 2012 presidential campaign at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and served as the head coach of the Duke University dance team. She loves reading fantasy novels, traveling to far-off destinations, and dancing in her spare time.

She currently lives in Lubbock, Texas, with her husband, son, and super-adorable puppy.


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