Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Book review: POSSESS ME, by Michelle Heard


Corrupted Royals #5

Alek & Everleigh


It is sad indeed that this Mafia series has ended, after three interconnected series totalling fifteen wonderful books.  I didn’t use to like Mafia romances, and this author taught me to love them.  I have loved reading these books, have loved all the characters, enjoyed the sweetness with the darkness and the humor.  Michelle Heard profiled these men as dangerous criminals during business but in their personal lives they are passionate, loving men, who protect and love as fiercely as they fight.  Their women and children are adored and protected, and the women do good deeds, such as work against sex trafficking. In spite of their crimes, they have an honor system and don’t do business using women and children.

In Misha’s and Armani’s books we had seen Alek and knew he was a little psycho. In this book we learn his story and hurt for him, understand why his mind fractured by torture, loss, and heartbreak.  We also get to understand why he hates his father so ferociously and we join in the hate club too.  Alek and Everleigh got together due to a mistake, shared a horrific captivity, stained with torture and the tragic loss of his brother, then he suffers the heartbreak of losing his girl.  Really, the first part of this book is gruesome and I didn’t know how far I could go on reading. 

Then the second part is just as heartbreaking because we are reading two lost souls who have lost each other and can’t get over it.  When he starts seeing ghosts and thinks he’s losing the bit of sanity he had left, we rejoice because we think the brilliant reunion will happen but nope, there are still problems to overcome.  I got a kick from seeing Alek when he went berserk and everyone scrambled to get him in control.  It was funny as much as heartbreaking, like seeing a thoroughbred horse go wild.  And I loved how Everleigh was always so protective, her priority was her child and she was taking no prisoners.  A mama bear all agitated!

Michelle Heard really wrecked our hearts with this story and I suffered along with Alek and Everleigh as they go through their story.  I loved seeing Viktor Vetrov, who used to be a little crazy too, and is now a dedicated husband and proud papa.  I have really enjoyed reading all this mafioso men and their women and their passionate stories.  I don’t think there will ever be such a wonderful, riveting and fun series such as this one.  Absolutely brilliant!

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About the author

Michelle Heard is a Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling Author who loves creating stories her readers can get lost in. She resides in South Africa with her son where she's always planning her next book to write, and trip to take.



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