Saturday, November 23, 2024

Book review: IF YOU NEED ME, by Helene Hunting

Toronto Terror #3

Dallas & Hemi


I wish I would have liked this book more, but I didn’t love Hemi and Dallas, at least not in the beginning.  I disliked the initial scene although I did see the intent to be humorous.  The fact that Dallas gets erections from anxiety is a little weird.  And Hemi’s treatment of Dallas in that initial part of the book felt like it bordered on abuse, as she constantly scolded and threatened Dallas with sending him to a clown assignment, knowing he detested clowns.

Once the book got going and the plot was developing, I got to know Hemi and Dallas closer and could see where they were coming from and I liked them so much more.  Hemi and Dallas knew each other from high school, and whereas Dallas has been in love with Hemi for a long, long time, Hemi always saw him as one of the popular boys of the school and part of the group who tortured her for being unapologetically different.  Hemi has always been driven and focused, unwilling to go along with the popular group.

Many in the Terror hockey organization feel that she’s too much, but Dallas adores her and always defends her.  As they are forced to fake a relation, they get close, their families get close and both are faced with a different version of the reality they thought they knew.

I actually loved seeing those two together, once they got over their initial attitudes and started to work as a couple.  Hemi’s increasing dependence on Dallas softened her and made her more approachable.  She was hard with Dallas but a wonderful friend to her girl brigade.  Once I understood Hemi, I started to like her.  Dallas is an impulsive goof but he’s kind and decent all through, I always liked him, and love how steadfast he was in his feelings for Hemi.

So, apart from that first scene, the book was a delight, it had some wonderful emotional moments, as well as the funny ones.  Dallas and Hemi were wonderful together, and I loved that Hemi found someone who understood her and accepted her as she is, strong and passionate and very much driven, but with an inner core of an insecure girl who needs acceptance.  Dallas provided that and more, and the love and sexy story was wonderful (except the initial scene!).

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About the author

NYT and USA Today bestselling author, Helena Hunting lives on the outskirts of Toronto with her incredibly tolerant family and two moderately intolerant cats. She started her writing career with new adult angsty romance and branched out in sports romance and romantic comedies that will make you laugh and swoon. But sometimes she likes to serve up a little heartache on the way to the happily ever after.


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