Thursday, August 22, 2024

Book review: UNBREAKABLE LOVE, by Stacey Lynn

The Kelley family #3

Gavin & Penny


Short and sweet, and what I expected from Gavin’s story, that Josie would choose her new mom!  Penny arrived in New Haven to teach third grade, Josie’s group. She’s gorgeous and sweet and Josie fell in love with her. And of course, started a campaign for Gavin to meet her and like her.  She’s shopping for a mom!

Gavin still has a hole in his heart from the betrayal that Josie’s mom did him.  She bailed when Josie was a few months old and left him, a sixteen year old boy, to fend for himself.  Luckily he has wonderful parents who helped him out, and he started a construction company when he graduated high school and has been doing very well.  Still, he has walls around his heart and no intention to open them up, his only concern is taking care of his little girl.  So imagine his irritation when his little girl is all but pushing him in Penny’s direction! He forgot the manners his mama taught him and got very nasty indeed!

Penny comes from a crappy childhood, a stripper mother, and having to raise her little sister Maize from the age of eight.  She has an idealized idea of what her mother was which doesn’t jive with what really happened.  Anyhow, the memories keep her locked up and wary from men.  Until Gavin and Josie explode in her life and fill her with possibilities.

This was a sweet love story, with lots of family love thrown in.  For a woman who has been starved of family love, who spends holidays alone with her sister, who has been carrying such a heavy responsibility of raising a little sister, finding this large, noisy, and caring family was like finding Nirvana.  Then, when Gavin changed his ways from snarky to sexy, she was a goner.

It was a sweet love story, a little too heavy on Penny’s lack of experience on the men front, but perfect for Gavin, who needs someone who had only been with him. From the initial pushy little girl, Josie goes into sassy cute little girl and all was right again with the world.

Purchase links

FREE in #kindleunlimited



Amazon Worldwide:


Read the other books in The Kelley Family series:

Undeniable Love (novella):

Unending Love:

Unstoppable Love:

About the author

Stacey Lynn likes her coffee with a dash of sugar, her heroes with a side of bossy, and her wine a deep shade of red.

The author of over thirty romance novels, many of which have been best-selling titles on Amazon, AppleBooks, and Barnes & Noble, she loves being able to turn her vivid imagination into a career that brings entertainment and joy to her readers. Focused on sports romance and emotional, small-town romance, she also loves stretching herself in different genres.

Born in Texas and raised in the Midwest, she now makes her home in North Carolina and loves all things Southern. Together with her ultimate tall, dark, and handsome hero, she has four children. Her life is a chaotic mess that fights with her Type-A, list-making, neurotically organized preferences and she wouldn't have it any other way.


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