Thursday, April 11, 2024

Book review: DR. SINGLE DAD, by Louise Bay

Doctors #5

Dax and Eira


Of all the Cove brothers, Dax is the most serious. He’s quiet and studious, also a doctor but instead of practicing, he went into research. He’s totally dedicated to his work, had no intentions to father children. And yet, when he got a phone call, learned he had a newborn daughter about to be given away in adoption, he rushed to the United States to pick up his daughter and bring her home.

He thought he could hire a nanny who would raise the baby and he would get back to business as usual but he got a huge surprise. His nanny captivated him, and he was falling in love with his daughter, slowly and surely. Life, as he knew it, was gone! 

This story was a delight to read as we watch Eira and Dax fall in love with each other and with baby Guinevere. Eira has her issues, as an orphan who didn’t feel loved by her parents and feels wholly responsible for her younger brother and sister. Dax had no issues, except wanting to go to work with no distractions, but he was a goner for Eira.

Adding to the fun in this story is the presence of all the other Cove brothers, the wives, mama Cove, and papa Cove. Instead of the usual grumpy papa Cove, we get this thoughtful and kind father who was taken with Eira from the first moment. Equally charming were Eddie and Dylan, Eira’s siblings, who depend on their older sister but are no hanger-ons.

I loved Dax, he was grumpy (like his dad!) but also thoughtful and kind(also like his dad!), Eira was a competent nanny but she also can’t help loving her charges. It felt like I was reading a book about caring because it had a lot of caring all around.

Delightful, entertaining, grumpy/sunshine, a precious baby, nanny/single dad, a wonderful extended family on both sides, sexy and emotional, this book is another winner for Louise Bay. So sad there are no more Coves!

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About the author

International, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author, Louise Bay writes contemporary romance novels that make you laugh - the kind she likes to read.


Ruined by the bonk-busters of the eighties, Louise was inspired by Judith Krantz and Jackie Collins, but wants to be Emily Henry when she grows up.


Louise loves the rain, RHOBH, London, days when she doesn't have to wear make-up, hanging out with her kid, elephants and champagne (not necessarily in that order).


She loves to hear from readers so get in touch!


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