Saturday, September 30, 2023


Road Kings #5

Will & Luna


Aaaahhhhh, this book is truly marvelous!  I loved Will and Luna! And I loved seeing the Road Kings again, all paired up with their lady loves! What a magnificent and entertaining book!

Will cut all his ties to his previous live in Manhattan and came to manage the Road Kings.  He wasn’t making millions anymore, but when he met Stone and the band, something clicked in him, made him move to Portland and for the first time in a decade, he’s happy and content.  

“But when I learned who Stone was, when I listened to the Road Kings, I’d felt a shift deep in my chest, and the words had surfaced, unbidden: So this is what’s been wrong with my life all this time.”

Luna came to work for him and found that this is a great job and she’s decided to stay hired at all costs.  Which at the moment means not giving in to the attraction she feels for her boss.

As we read Luna and Will tiptoeing around each other, we get regaled with instances with each Road King member, with their partners, and with Luna’s family which is very particular.  Her parents and aunts are very invasive.  Luna’s brothers are a tad annoying, very protective of their little sister, and quite ridiculous in their attitudes to Will and in their challenges.  The hiking/fishing trip was a hoot!  I loved how Will rose to the occasion and how Stone conspired to help his little brother conquer and persevere.

Loved the Toto Torture idea!

Will is a quiet man, accustomed to feeling inadequate.  He’s a genius but doesn’t have people skills, so he’s a bit clumsy around Luna.  And yet, they click together, understand each other perfectly, complete each other.  I loved them as a couple, found them perfect.  The whole book is riveting and entertaining, a wonderful experience.   Brilliant! 

Purchase link

About the author

Julie Kriss loves reading and writing hot, sexy romances with awesome heroes. Her favorite things are books, coffee, her perfect cat, and her husband, not necessarily in that order. She's a writing addict who is always hard at work on her next steamy romance. You can find her on Facebook at at her website at

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