Tuesday, August 29, 2023

DR. CEO, by Louise Bay

Doctor series #3

Vincent & Kate


 When I read the previous Doctor books, I saw Vincent as a closed up guy, absent-minded but present for his aunt and uncle.  In his book, I understand he stays a little aloof from his family due to past history, when his parent’s marriage imploded and he was left high and dry with a mother who doesn’t care.  He learned not to be attached to people or places.  That is, until he met Kate.

I loved Kate! She’s kind and funny, such a good person that everyone loves her.  Her childhood was chaotic so she treasures the routine and small town living that she gets at the  Crompton estate, living in a little cottage with her granny next door.  She’s such a happy person, completely content with her life and her surroundings.  What’s a little rundown cottage and an estate that is falling into ruins? There are wonderful gardens full of flowers that make it all beautiful.

Enter Vincent Cove and he finds in Kate all that he never knew he needed.  She centers him and makes him a better person, happier and surer of himself.  I loved the couple they make and how they make each other feel safe and content.  But of course, Vincent has doubts and waffles!

This was such a beautiful, cute and tender love story.  I loved Kate and her goodness, and loved Vincent and his insecurities.  I especially loved seeing him with his cousins who love him as a brother and he hadn’t realized that.  You need to read to discover all the ways that Kate and Vincent complete each other and how the Coves embrace Vincent into their closed knit family group.  And it doesn’t need Vincent frequent bribes to his uncle with cases of good wine!

I finished the book in a great mood because there was a lot of love in this book!

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About the author 

International, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author, Louise Bay writes sexy, contemporary romance novels – the kind she likes to read.

Ruined by bonk-busters and sexy mini-series of the eighties Louise loves all things sexy and romantic. There’s not enough of it in real life so she disappears into the fictional worlds in books and films.

Louise loves the rain, the West Wing, London, days when she doesn’t have to wear make-up, being on her own, being with friends, elephants and champagne.

She loves to hear from readers so get in touch!


Keep up with Louise Bay and subscribe to her newsletter: https://louisebay.com/newsletter/


To learn more about Louise Bay& her books, visit here!


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