Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Book review: ALL YOUR TOMORROWS, by J. Nathan

 Prepare to get your mind blown! At least mine was!  I was intrigued by the blurb of this book, young adult and paranormal, a young woman who sees dead people? I was submerged into the story from the start!

It starts like an ordinary day, Nora works in a coffee shop, a client comes in and he’s so gorgeous that she freezes and stutters her greeting.  Then he tells her he’s looking for Nora and she asks: “How long have you been dead?” And I was hooked!

Nora helps spirits who linger on this plane to move on to the other side.  She’s a medium and likes to help people to communicate with their loved ones.  I found her wonderful and very centered, secure in her gift and with such a lovely willingness to help.  Kyler is gorgeous and you can tell he’s a great guy.  This love story is rare and intriguing and kept me riveted to the end, because I just couldn’t fathom how the author would develop this story.

The author didn’t disappoint! This is a rare and beautiful love story that needs to be read to be enjoyed.  There’s not a thing that I didn’t love and enjoyed reading.  At times it was heart breaking, other times funny, and it had it’s sexy times too! Everything that makes a book memorable and riveting.  I usually love this author’s stories and this will be one of my favorite ones for sure.  Totally recommend!

Purchase links

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3LvjRoK

Amazon Worldwide: https://mybook.to/AYT

Apple Books: https://apple.co/41IVfP1

Nook: http://bit.ly/3NhiIm0

Kobo: https://bit.ly/41CywUV

Google Play: https://bit.ly/3n2HWtT

About the author 

J. Nathan is the author of new adult romances with cocky heroes and sassy heroines. When she’s not working on her next novel, she can be found spending time with family, friends, and her Westie Preston, cheering on her son at his baseball games, and dreaming about her next tropical vacation.

She loves hearing from readers, so connect with her here:

Reader Group: bit.ly/JNathanReaderGroup

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Website: www.jnathan.net

BookBub: http://bit.ly/2pa7ulP

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