Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Book review: Made For Me, by Natasha Madison

 I read this book during Christmas and maybe the season makes one emotional, because I cried many times during this story.  In this book, we enjoy more of the Horton and Grant siblings, cousins, parents and uncles.  By this time, I know everybody but lost count of who belongs to who.  Anyhow I love these families and the strong bonds they have. 

Julia, as in Jillian’s twin, is a social worker.  She loves what she does and gives it her whole heart, and it does get broken sometimes.  One of her cases gets into a fatal accident and Julia accompanies her baby daughter to the hospital.  Dr. Chase Grant is the attending at the ER and receives Julia and treats the baby.

Julia and Chase have known each other for many years, given he’s Michael’s cousin (Jillian’s husband).  For many years they have been playing a flirty game, never daring to cross a line, until now.  Julia’s emotional breakdown overcame Chase’s restraint and he’s distraught for her, needing to help her and assuage her distress.  

While Julia faces many work related problems, Chase seeks to console her and his attentions turn sexual.  From a very angsty situation, the story changes into a very sizzling hot story. Then we get the family involved in helping Julia’s legal situation and of course, interfering into their personal situation and it’s a comical situation with tragic overtones.  

I liked that in spite of the heightened emotions, there was a lot of love and support from this big family, and a perfect boyfriend who had nothing more than Julia’s well being as his purpose.  On the other hand, I noticed that Julia spent several days overwrought with her work situation, then spent one week in a sex marathon with Chase where there were lots of laughs and good times.  The week after that, she has an appointment with a lawyer and we’re back to the melodrama.  Felt a bit weird but otherwise, the story was fantastic.

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About the author

When her nose isn't buried in a book, or her fingers flying across a keyboard writing, she's in the kitchen creating gourmet meals. You can find her, in four inch heels no less, in the car chauffeuring kids, or possibly with her husband scheduling his business trips. It's a good thing her characters do what she says, because even her Labrador doesn't listen to her...


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