Monday, July 31, 2023

Book review: ON THE SHORE, by Laura Pavlov

Cottonwood Cove #3

Brinkley & Lincoln


 Best enemies to lovers story ever!  I couldn’t believe that Brinkley stalked Lincoln Hendrix, the GOAT of the NFL, to the point she followed him to the men’s restroom and then he had her thrown out of the press conference!  It wasn’t his intention, but she lost her job as a result of his actions, so she went back home to Cottonwood Cove to plan her next move.

Like her sister Georgie and her future sister in law Lila, once she got back to her hometown, she fell back in love with its small town vibes, and we fall in love too.  Except for Mrs. Runither! There’s always a story about her improper interrogations and sexy come ons! 

Lincoln is leaving his California team and deciding where to go next.  All the journalists and news media are looking at him to learn his decision on what team he will be joining.  So he needs to escape from all the press and the tension from the past season and goes to spend the summer in Cottonwood Cove, at his agent’s summer house.  Little does he know the surprise encounter waiting for him!

I just loved their encounter and all the funny and sexy times that followed.  In spite of the anger and mistrust, there’s a strong attraction, and as they know more about each other, the anger melts and the love awakens.  Lincoln comes from a single mother who supported him in his goals and they have a wonderful relation. Still, he loves getting thrust into the Reynolds family and their loud and funny dinners.  As in previous books, the siblings chat are a hoot!

Brinkley has some ambitions on where to go from here, work-wise, and Lincoln decides to help her.  In spite of wanting her with him, he’s decided to be supportive and not dominant.  They have a wonderful relation and wonderful communication.  There’s a great plot twist towards the end that adds so much more to this family intense drama!  This series is betting better with each installment!

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About the author

Laura Pavlov is a USA Today and Amazon Top 10 Bestselling author  who writes sweet and sexy contemporary romance that will make you both laugh and cry. She is happily married to her college sweetheart, mom to two amazing kids who are now adulting, and dog-whisperer to one temperamental yorkie and one wild bernedoodle. Laura resides in Las Vegas where she is living her own happily ever after. Be sure to sign up for updates on new releases. Laura loves to hear from readers! 


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Book review: UNDER THE STARS, by Laura Pavlov

Cottonwood Cove #2

Georgia & Maddox


 This one was more fun than the first one!  Georgie just graduated from college with an art degree.  She wanted to get a job fast so she could move out of her parent’s home.  So, she got an interview with the new company that bought a building in Cottonwood Cove.  It’s a publishing company, right up her alley since she’s a romance book reader.  

Her interview with the boss was a hoot, a shining example of how a sunshiny girl conquers a grump.  He was fascinated with this unusual creature, her qualifications were stellar and she was much better than the other interviewees, so she landed the job.  Then she proceeded to charm all the employees, was a champion of the ping-pong running contest, did a stellar job as his assistant, and sassed him to her heart’s content.  

Poor Maddox didn’t know what hit him.  Previously a player, a grump, a man whom woman pursued, in this case, he was fascinated, obsessed, and irritated with Georgie.  He nicknamed her Tink, as in Tinkerbell, in a sarcastic reference to her spreading pixie dust and enchanting the employees.  The first one enchanted was him!

Fun and entertaining, I loved reading the siblings chat group, especially Cage’s comments about the wild dating life of the animals he attends.  Truly, this is the most fun part of these books! It always made me laugh.

Maddox has a younger brother, Wyle, and they have a dysfunctional relation with their father.  Then he’s thrown into the Reynold’s family highly affectionate family, the brother’s weekly game nights, the banter and loud dinners and he’s hooked!  I loved that Wyle is also included in the melee and they find the warmth and affection they were lacking.  

As with the other books in this series, it’s the small town vibes, the heartwarming stories, and the love that shines around this family that makes them such a joy to read.  The love story is great, with its bit of angst and the great sexy times, and wonderful romantic moments.

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About the author

Laura Pavlov is a USA Today and Amazon Top 10 Bestselling author  who writes sweet and sexy contemporary romance that will make you both laugh and cry. She is happily married to her college sweetheart, mom to two amazing kids who are now adulting, and dog-whisperer to one temperamental yorkie and one wild bernedoodle. Laura resides in Las Vegas where she is living her own happily ever after. Be sure to sign up for updates on new releases. Laura loves to hear from readers! 


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Book review: INTO THE TIDE, by Laura Pavlov

Cottonwood Cove #1

Hugh and Lila


I read On the Shore in the Cottonwood Cove series and loved finding a new author to read.  I liked it so much that I got the other books in the series and read them back to back.  I’m loving this author’s small town books, so will be sure to check out other series.

What I liked about her books:

  • Lovely small town, very picturesque
  • The typical gossip train, but the people are very protective of the people living there, even temporary visitors
  • The Reynolds family: there are 5 siblings, two wonderful parents, they’re huggers, meet every Sunday for dinner, and have very loud and fun times
  • The siblings’ chat group, they’re a lot of fun, full of banter, the siblings razzing each other, but when things are dicey they’re supportive
  • Mrs. Runither, she’s an older woman, owns Cottonwood Café that makes the best macaroni and cheese. She’s inappropriate, harasses everyone about their sexual lives, and yet everyone is tolerant 

In this first book of the series, we got some of the family history.  Their father had cancer and they had two scary years.  Hugh was studying sports management but changed to business, then took over the family’s diner and bar and opened up a restaurant.  He was overwhelmed with a ton of work and little sleep until his best friend’s little sister came to rescue him.  She did Business and Finance at Northwestern U in Chicago and just graduated.  Lila came to organize and streamline the restaurant’s operation and in a couple of weeks, put systems in use and took a huge load off Hugh’s shoulders.  And in working together, they realized there’s a ton of attraction between them.

I loved all the plot lines in this story!  Lila and Hugh have a huge attraction but there’s the bro code, so they resisted as long as they could.  Lila’s and Travis’ mother died when they were little and their father checked out.  He went into booze and painkillers and basically abandoned his kids.  Travis had to grow up fast to take care of Lila, got her into university with a sports scholarship.  She worked hard and ended up a national running champion and with a great job offer in a Fortune 500 company in Chicago.  Travis was proud and determined to keep his sister away from town, away from their addict father’s influence.    He was judgy, closed minded, very stubborn in his views regarding their father and what he wanted for Lila.

Lila had a check list of things she wanted to achieve this summer, top of the list losing her V-card.  It’s a fun summer reading about Lisa’s checklist and Hugh’s poor attempts to resist.  Lila is decided to help her father and get him into treatment, against Travis’ judgement. You get to admire Lila’s tenacity in achieving her goals and her goodness.  It’s super entertaining with the family drama, the sexy times, the tension of keeping lies with Travis, and the insecurity of all that Lila hopes to achieve this summer.  She’s also realizing how happy she’s in her hometown versus the workload she faces back in Chicago.  I love that it’s emotional without excessive drama or angst, so completely enjoyable.

The other siblings will appear in the next books and I can’t wait for their stories.  We have Cage, the older sibling, a veterinarian and single father, grumpy but still managed to raise a little angel, three year old Gracie.  There’s Finn, aspiring actor who is currently starring in a series; Brinkley, who appears to be the firecracker in the family, a journalist who is stalking a football player hoping to get a story out of him; and Georgie, the baby of the family, art student with a sunshiny personality.  There are good times awaiting with these stories!

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About the author

Laura Pavlov is a USA Today and Amazon Top 10 Bestselling author  who writes sweet and sexy contemporary romance that will make you both laugh and cry. She is happily married to her college sweetheart, mom to two amazing kids who are now adulting, and dog-whisperer to one temperamental yorkie and one wild bernedoodle. Laura resides in Las Vegas where she is living her own happily ever after. Be sure to sign up for updates on new releases. Laura loves to hear from readers! 


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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Book review: THE SPACE BETWEEN, by Sarah Ready


 “What’s your lyric,” she says, watching me in the mirror. “Your lyric for right now?”

This book broke me! I think I cried more than in any other book I’ve previously heard.  So much heartbreak, so much love, so much living is enclosed in this book.  And yet, it’s very positive, there’s no rancor, only love and best wishes for the one they love.

Andi and Jace met in Central Park, one day Jace was busking with his brothers and friends, then bullies from his school came and thrashed him.  Andi came to his rescue, ran the bullies away and they became best friends on that day, just because Andi declared it.  

Jace’s parents died years ago, and his older brother Dean is raising him and his brother River.  They are all musical prodigies, they play to raise money for food.  But they have ambitions to play for the world, to help people with their music.  Andi immediately attached to them, and follows them to their house, to their practices and to their gigs.

Andi is really Andrea Leighton-Hughes, daughter of a mega billionaire who lives in the top four floors of The Tower, a building that is decadently and ridiculously decorated.  In spite of her riches, she’s lonely and loveless, since her mother ignores her and her father only sees his children as tools  for his prestige and reputation.  Only with Jace does she feel seen and appreciated.

Their story is turbulent, charged with emotions, and doomed by the disapproval of Jace’s big brother who sees Andi as a hindrance. They are torn apart more than once, by tragic events out of their control.  What is extraordinary is that the love is always present, and there is no regret, no hate, no anger.  Only love and the sadness that they are not together.  

“I send her all my love, I send her my wishes for happiness, and this time around, if she hears me singing, I hope she feels only joy.”

It’s an emotional rollercoaster, narrated in beautiful prose and detailed descriptions, full of beautiful characters and not so beautiful characters.  I was enthralled throughout the whole book!

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About the author

Author Sarah Ready writes contemporary romance and romantic comedy. Her books have been described as “euphoric”, “heartwarming” and “laugh out loud”. Her debut novel The Fall in Love Checklist was hailed as “the unicorn read of 2020”. She loves to write fast-paced, emotionally compelling romances about quirky, smart women and the men who love them.


Before writing romance full-time Sarah had lots of fun teaching at an Ivy League. Then she realized she could have even more fun writing romance. Her favorite things after writing are adventuring and travel. You’ll frequently find her using her degree at a dino dig site, crawling into a cave, snorkeling, or on horseback riding through the jungle – all fodder for her next book. She’s lived in Scotland, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland and NYC. She currently lives in the Caribbean with her water-obsessed pup and her awesome family.

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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Book review: JUST A LITTLE SECRET, by Carly Phillips & Erika Wilde

Dare Crossover #2

Drew & Georgia


 Another hit from Carly Phillips! She writes books from the heart, full of wonderful people and lovely stories.  In this story, I loved Georgia. She was a good girl who tried to please her parents, but when her mother went too far trying to manipulate her into doing what she wanted, she was gentle but firm.  She was like this in all aspects of her life, sweet, considerate, always diplomatic but didn’t suffer fools for too long.

Likewise Drew, another wonderful character, a successful lawyer, family man, he enjoyed a wonderful upbringing and a warm family, unlike Georgia’s cold mother.  And yet, although he liked Georgia a lot, he doubted he could have a relation because of his super busy work life and an upcoming project that would have him traveling a lot.

Georgia’s father has a law firm and her mother wants to partner Georgia with a Junior Partner in the firm.  She’s trying to guilt Georgia into giving this guy a chance but it’s clear to everyone but her parents that the guy is a weasel.

Georgia got Drew gifted for a weekend, from a charity bachelor’s auction, purchased by her sister and as a birthday gift.  And this started this lovely love story between these two lovely personages who are incredibly accomplished, attractive, and with an instant connection that says soulmates.  

Entertaining and heartwarming, I love to continue meeting all these related characters in the Dare-Kingston world!

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About the authors 

Carly Phillips is the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of over eighty sexy contemporary romances featuring hot men, strong women, and emotionally compelling stories her readers have come to expect and love. She is happily married to her college sweetheart and lives in Westchester County, NY. She is the mother of two adult daughters and three crazy dogs who star on her Facebook and Instagram pages. She loves social media and is always around to interact with her readers. Way back in 2002, Carly’s book, The Bachelor, was chosen by Kelly Ripa and was the first romance on a nationally televised book club. Carly loves social media and interacting with her readers. For more information on upcoming releases, sign up for her newsletter (below) and receive two free books!


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Erika Wilde is a Bestselling author and is best known for her super sexy Marriage Diaries series and The Players Club series, and has also co-written multiple series with Carly Phillips, her best friend and writing buddy for the past twenty years. She lives in Oregon with her husband, and when she's not writing you can find her exploring the beautiful Pacific Northwest. For more information on her upcoming releases, please sign up for her newsletter (below).




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Book review: FORMULA CHANCE, by Sawyer Bennett

Race Fever #2 Nash & Bexley ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Such a pleasure and comfort to read a book by Sawyer Bennett!  I’m loving this racing series, le...